Using Data ------------- Dependency ~~~~~~~~~~~ The BDD100K toolkit depends on Python 3.7+. To install the python dependencies: .. code-block:: bash pip3 install -r requirements.txt Understanding the Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can start the Visualization by running: ``python3 -m scalabel.vis.controller `` Available arguments: .. code-block:: bash --image-dir IMAGE_DIR, -i IMAGE_DIR path to the image directory --labels LABEL_PATH, -l LABEL_PATH path to the json file --color-dir COLORMAP_DIR, -c COLORMAP_DIR path to the colormap directory --scale SCALE, -s SCALE visualization size scale --height HEIGHT height of the image(px) --width WIDTH width of the image(px) --no-attr do not show attributes --no-box3d do not show 3D bouding boxes --no-tags do not show tags on boxes or polygons --no-vertices do not show vertices --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR output image directory with label visualization. If it is set, the images will be written to the output folder instead of being displayed interactively. --nproc NUM_PROCESS number of processes for json loading and parsing In the visualization window, you may use these keys for controlling: .. code-block:: yaml - n / p: Show next or previous image - Space: Start / stop animation - t: Toggle 2D / 3D bounding box (if avaliable) - a: Toggle the display of the attribute tags on boxes or polygons. - c: Toggle the display of polygon vertices. - Up: Increase the size of polygon vertices. - Down: Decrease the size of polygon vertices. Trajectories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To visualize the GPS trajectories provided in ``bdd100k/info``, you can run the command below to produce an html file that displays a single trajectory and output the results in folder ``out/``: .. code-block:: bash python3 -m bdd100k.vis.trajectory \ -i bdd100k/info/train/0000f77c-6257be58.json -o out/ -k {YOUR_API_KEY} Or create html file for each GPS trajectory in a directory, for example: .. code-block:: bash python3 -m bdd100k.vis.trajectory \ -i bdd100k/info/train -o out/ -k {YOUR_API_KEY} To create a Google Map API key, please follow the instruction `here `_. The generated maps will look like .. figure:: ../media/images/trajectory_gmap.jpg :alt: Trajectory on Google Map Semantic Segmentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At present time, instance segmentation is provided as semantic segmentation maps and polygons in json will be provided in the future. The encoding of labels should still be ``train_id`` defined in |bdd100k_label|_, thus car should be 13. .. |bdd100k_label| replace:: ``bdd100k.label.label`` .. _bdd100k_label: